Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Introduction to the Project "Knitters Re-Covering San Diego"

Hello Fellow Knit Enthusiasts,

This blog is here to invite all knitters who would like to give a little of their time to knit or crochet a 9" X 9" square. The squares will be assembled into blankets for those who have lost their homes in the recent 2007 Southern California fires. The fires have taken their emotional toll on most San Diego residents. Those of us who were not affected monetarily were certainly affected emotionally. Now that the dust has settled, many of us are looking for a way to lend a hand to those who have lost everything, (roughly 1350 San Diegans).

We at Common Threads, a retail yarn store, believe we are uniquely position in the community to connect many San Diego Knitters together who want to give back. To start we have contacted three yarn companies, Plymouth yarns, Berroco yarns and Skacel Yarns. They have all agreed to donate yarns for our project. We will be looking to other yarn distributors to lend a hand as well.

We invite you to come to the store and pick up a ball of yarn or two and make a few squares. The yarn is complimentary, but we have had several knitters ask to pay for their yarns. If that is you, know that the proceeds will go toward incidental cost, such as mailing cost, and other costs we can't think of presently. Our hope is that the donated yarns will keep coming.

Once we receive your squares we will be organizing assembly parties. If this part interests you make sure we have your e-mail on file so you can be notified of the dates.

Thanks for being apart of this project. As mother Theresa said, "In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love."

All our best,
Nancy & Caryl
Common Threads


mzjaqi said...

I am happy to be part of this project. It is a wonderful idea. I will come to the shop today to pick up a ball of yarn

Susan Nattrass said...

What a great idea, makes me want to be a better knitter.

Thanks for supporting our community.


Margo said...

Hmm.. This is interesting. Do you know about The San Diego Wildfire Blanket Project already working for this effort? I hope you are not attempting to compete or take away from what that group is trying to do.

Instead of establishing your own program and copying efforts, why not work with the other project and add your voice to an incredible process already in place.

Common Threads said...

We do know about the San Deigo Wildfire Blanket Project, and are working towards the same goal, to make blankets for fire victims. The more knitters that can be reached the faster the blankets will be made. We will be collaboration when it comes to distributing blankets in the county.

Sara and Jeff said...

There is plenty of room in this county for people willing to selflessly offer their time, money and effort to offer the fire victims a little touch of comfort. No need to create a conflict where there isn't one. Thanks to you at Common Threads for organizing this project!